0800 MASSEY (+64 6 350 5701)


The easy to use,


collaborative LaTeX editor.



Work together on a single version
View collaborator edits in real time


Document history

See what has been added and removed
Restore to any older version


Work from anywhere

Access your work from anywhere in the world
Work offline and sync your files via Dropbox and GitHub


You can work with multiple people on a document at the same time and see where your colleagues are typing directly in the editor and view their edits in real-time on your screen.

LaTeX includes a history of all of your changes so you can see exactly who changed what, and when. This makes it extremely easy to keep up to date with any progress made by your collaborators and allows you to review recent work.

In a collaboration or on your own, sometimes mistakes are made. Reverting back to previous versions is simple and removes the risk of losing work or regretting a change.